The gospel of john chapter 1 commentary

John 6 records christs fourth journey in the third year of his ministry when he preached by the sea of galilee. Carson the gospel according to john eerdmansapollos, p. The gospel of john begins with a lovely little poem about jesus. That which was that is, as the expression here means, the word which was, namely, with the father, 1 john 1.

John uses life 36 times in his gospel, more than any other new testament book. A reminder about the lectionary is necessary before we move into commentary on the verses themselves. What came to be 4 through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race. John the apostle is telling us that the word, which later became flesh, john 1. John 1 2,0,0,0 united states conference of catholic bishops. The prologue to the gospel of john the gospel of john weds theology to poetry. The first english translation of aquinas commentary on the gospel of john by fabian larcher and james weisheipl, now long out of print, is available to scholars and students once again with this edition. Verse 1 in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god.

The priests and levites question him concerning his mission and his baptism, john 1. Fifth sunday after easter 18 may 2014 holy name parish wahroonga fr. When does genesis 1 say the creation through his word took place. The first four verses of lukes gospel are one sentence in the original greek. John 1 the scope and design of this chapter is to confirm our faith in christ as the eternal son of god, and the true messiah and saviour of the world, that we may be brought to receive him, and rely upon him, as our prophet, priest, and king, and to give up ourselves to be ruled, and taught, and saved by him. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the. On the dynamics of the interaction between jesus and mary in this reading, see raymond e. John, each of whom begins his history with the coming and preaching of the baptist. Truly, truly, i say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber.

Nothing more fully shows the darkness of mens minds, than that when the light had appeared, there needed a witness to call attention to it. The entire gospel is the apostles testimony to jesus as the eternal word, messiah, and son of god who brings the gift of salvation to all who will. The remainder of johns gospel deals with the themes introduced here. This remarkable, profound portion is not merely a preface or an introduction. It is poetic proseprose with the soul of poetryprose that, like poetry, packs layers of meaning in a word or phrase. John 1 in the beginning was the word, and the word was. Bob utley, retired professor of hermeneutics biblical interpretation. In like manner, john himself employs the word beginning, placed thus absolutely, in the introduction to his first epistle, at which beginning he uses the. John 1 esv the word became flesh in the bible gateway. The gospel by saint john has been universally received as. The word is only used in john s gospel in verse 41 and by paul in 1 corinthians 1. The scope and design of this chapter is to confirm our faith in christ as the eternal son of god, and the true messiah and saviour of the world, that we may be brought to receive him, and rely upon him, as our prophet, priest, and king, and to give up ourselves to be ruled, and taught, and saved by him. John 1 commentary john introduces the story of the. John 1 the word became flesh 1 in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god.

In him is life, and that life is the light of the world. The word, as applied to jesus christ, is found only four times in the new testament, twice in this prologue john 1. Grammatically, the word cephas is future passive indicative which means that this nickname would be used in the future. John chapter 1 coffmans commentary of the new testament. They are written in refined, academic, classical style. One evidence of johns intended audience as being to the world was that he often explains names, places and customs which would be unfamiliar to nonjews, indicating the audience that god intended the gospel of. John 1 indepth versebyverse bible study and commentary of john chapter 1 in plain english.

The incarnation of the logos or word of god, john 1. John chapter 1 matthew henry complete commentary on. The next phrase, the life was the light of men, then either points. Monastery of christ in the desert homily for 5th sunday of easter 2014 cycle a 2011 2008 2005. All things came into being through him, and apart from him nothing came into being that has come into being. Not going before nor coming after god, but with him at the beginning. Yet what gives the gospel of john its meaning is the apostle johns presentation of jesus as the christ, the son of god. John uses the word in a peculiar sense, here, and in john 1.

But if the apostle be speaking, as the context seems to show he is. The entire gospel is the apostles testimony to jesus as the eternal word, messiah, and son of god who brings the gift of salvation to all who will receive him. John 1 in the beginning was the word, and the word was with. He answered and said, whether he be a sinner or no, i know not. John introduces the story of the revelation of the glory of god. The eternal existence of the lord jesus christ and his absolute identification with god and as god are unequivocally stated in the first line of this gospel. Commentary on the gospel of john chapter 1 by cooper abrams the deity of jesus christ john 1. The expression clearly shows that jesus had existence before he appeared on earth as man. The other of the two is not identified, but for several reasons it is reasonable to think it was john the gospel writer himself, who appears several times in his gospel, but is never specifically named. John 1 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. In this prologue, jerome intends to explain two things, namely, the author of the gospel, and to show that it was fitting for him to write this gospel. Brown, the gospel according to john 2 vols anchor bible 2929a. In the beginning namely, of the creation, for the evangelist evidently refers to the first word of the book of genesis.

Published in three volumes simultaneously, it includes a new introduction and notes pointing readers to the links between aquinas biblical commentary and his summa theologiae. Major differences between john and the synoptic gospels. Please use the arrows to go to next or previous chapter. John had been sent to testify, and this is the matter of his testimony. May 02, 2011 preliminary reflections on the gospel of john. Finally, early church writers and historians have universally recognized john as the author of this account. He had been with god since the beginning, and all things had been created through him. Each year of the lectionary assigns different portions of chapter 10 of john for the fourth sunday of easter. We are at the outset of a story that will reveal to us the most profound mysteries of life. Gospel of john 1 commentary new testament matthew henry. The word is only used in johns gospel in verse 41 and by paul in 1 corinthians 1. Introduction and commentary of the prologue of the gospel fr. Robertsons word pictures, broadman press, 1960, john 6.

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